I Joined PRSSA for The Future


I heard about the PR Student Society of America in a COMM class my freshmen year; a member spoke and encouraged us to join. It was the first I had heard about it.  I was especially curious because I was searching for a sign that might help decide my major – after switching from Business.

I didn’t act on that information; just kind of tucked it into my back pocket to come back to later when I was closer to making a decision on what program I wanted to be part of. Junior year – a year-and-a-half since I first heard about PRSSA, I became more curious as to what it was all about. I had just decided to apply to the COMM Program – with my emphasis in Public Relations – and decided it was time to get involved.

Soon after, I attended my first PRSSA meeting.  The first rope that pulled me in was the massive opportunity I’d have to network with so many others interested in a similar field as me – even professionals who are already in that field. The second rope was that many of the networking opportunities were also travel opportunities. The biggest plus to these travel opportunities was not that I was going to get to see new things (although that is fun), but a chance to network with people from all over the nation; sometimes, even the world.

After my first conference, I knew I wanted to be a bigger part of PRSSA. The conference was ‘PRpalooza’ in Chicago and it completely changed my perspective on my field; I met amazing people from places I’ve never been. I now have professional connections in Kansas City, Boston, Champagne, Memphis, Sacramento – and more. I have never been to any of these cities, but with the help of PRSSA I now have good contacts and networks in several cities.

After jumping in feet first my Junior year, I have learned so much. One of the best things about the make-up of PRSSA is that it is filled with students of multiple majors, and we work together to create something just like the real world. If you are thinking of joining PRSSA, come to a meeting – or one of our many events – to learn more.  It might be a good for your future.

Former Business Major Kate Kraemer is now Director of Public Relations for PRSSA.


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